Notes from Scipy2019 Lec by Stan Siebert
Random points:
- Mentioned about pypy.
- Floating points operations will give different results depending upon the order of in which the numbers are processed. This is
due to rounding off.
Numpy Testing
module has good fault tolerance functions.
4 step process:
Honest, self inventory. Then express your final goal, which should be feasible.
- Is it for scalability?
- Is it for faster processing? etc.
< Refer to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Software Project Needs. (Its is nice triangle) >
- Unit tests are NOT performance test. Should design and have both.
- Get good with profiling tools like cProfile. This profile can be views through
module (CLI, hard to navigate)
or use snakeviz
or for a function that class a lot of numpy functions: line_profiler
(Profiling is about finding which thing actually has the biggest impact, rather than assuming)
Refactoring the Code.
- Options for introducing Numba into codebase:
- Replace code with Numba implementation.
- Compile functions only when Numba is present.
- Pick between different implementation of same function RC.
How Numba Works?
Basically, numba goes from Python to low level (LLVM) lang directly. NO C/C++ intermediate compilation etc.
What Numba is NOT doing:
- It’s not transalation of Cpython or Numpy…its literally replaces it, with faster machine convertible code.
Dont use numba if:
- Entire program compilation
- Critical functions are already in C/C++.
- Any interfacting of code generation to C/C++.