Rohit Beriwal


This module contains snippets of code/info. which are easier to forget and can come in handy later.

String functions:

Tells us where is “str” located in whole of the str.
NOTE: that if “str” is NOT present in str, then it WILL throw and ERROR!!


Replace “old” with “new” in str if “old” present.

str.replace("old", "new)      

Return a bool if only “a” sub-string is present in “str”

"a" in "str":

Number functions:

Remainder of (a/b)

a % b

Round off to min(given number)

floor(3.7) = 3

Round off to max(given number)

ceil(2.3) = 3

Input functions:

Inputs stuff from user DEFAULT input is takes as STRING

str_var = input("str")

Eval will check what is the data type (int/float/complex) and convert input data to that

num_var = eval(input("number"))

List functions:

Start indexing from the end and given the number at “index”.


Gives all the element from “start_index” up till “end_index” (EXCLUDING thing at end_index)
NOTE: that start/end_index = null/nothing, which means from/till start/end

list_var[start_index : end_index]

Appends/merge two lists
NOTE: its NOT same as append which is used to add data “into” the list


Inserts data at the given index_no

list_var.insert( index_no, data )

Remove the last element and return it


Returns the INDEX of data

list_var.index( data )

Returns a copy of the list

list2_var = list_var.copy()

Tuple functions:

() -> Tuples

These are used when you dont want the data to change, say for example coordinates. Similar to list, just without modification functions or fancy indexing.

Dictionary functions:

{} -> Dictonary will be made only if key:value is given, otheriwse it will creates a set.

Mostly used to make converter or map something (for eg, expander of “jan” to “january”)

NOTE: In KEY-VAL pair. KEY must be unique and Value MUST be hasbable.

Return value for the given key, if it exists.


retun default_val if key is NOT found, only valid for this.

dict_var.get(KEY, default_val) 

Other stuff:


Best practise:


	#code here
except ZeroDivisionError as err:
	#Do something
	#as err-> STORES error into variable "err"
except <any error by default>:
	#TODO for everything else
	#TODO if no exception is found
	#TODO independent of an error or not

Raise general exception on demand

raise Exception


Most common way to open read the file line by line (this automatically closes the file after reading:

with open(cfile_name,"r") as fin:
	line = fin.readline()

Return a BOOL val depending upon the readability of the file.
NOTE is ALSO depends upon the MODE inwhich file was opened (r/r+/w)


Returns a LIST of lines in the file which was read #NOTE its readLINES and NOT readLINE.


a: append mode to file; w: Overwrites!! file


If filemode is append, then it adds “data” to last line.
NOTE: it does NOT adds newline.

file_var.write( data )